
 I write because it is the best way I know how to make sense of life. Some of my stuff is serious; some of it is ridiculous, but it all scratches the same itch. Here is my world...

Stamford Magazine

I wrote the humor column, "The Last Word," where I reveal perhaps a little too much of my inner workings. It won first prize for humor column in the Connecticut Press Club's 2019 Communications Contest!

The Chicago Tribune

Billy Squier Doesn’t Live Here

Eat, Darling, Eat

“We Have…”

Jewish Women’s Archives

18 Jewish Country Music Songs

The Manifest-Station

See Me in September


How to Finesse the Quarantine 15
Parenting Tips I Learned from Law and Order SVU


Beshert: Wait, No Drama?

The New York Times

Tiny Love Stories: A Love Nest in Connecticut


When I Look Up, All I see Is Sky: Losing a Generation

O, The Oprah Magazine

The Worrier’s Survival Kit
Changes Don’t Always Mean Something New


Giving the Experts the Big Slammu

The Washington Post

Synchronize Those Stomach Clocks!

The Well/Northwell Health

Yes, I’m Excited - I’m an Extrovert

Woman's Day

Saying Goodbye to Buddy